Some figures first : Asturias is located in northern Spain, between the Bay of Biscay and the Cantabrian Mountains. At
10,000 square kilometers, it is roughly the size of the Rhineland, and its population of 1 million people is about the same as Cologne’s. So, few people but lots of nature. The easiest destination to reach from Oviedo by Cercanías is the neighbouring city of Gijón. On the one hand, this is very practical: Gijón is a great place for
shopping, you can take a stroll along the coastal promenade, and last but not least Mike works at the Technical University of Gijón - and he really enjoys doing so. On the other hand, Oviedo and Gijón do not
have an uncomplicated relationship. The two cities are similar in size - the only major cities in Asturias - play in the same soccer league - la segunda división - and over the course of many decades have
developed a rivalry of the finest kind. Ovetenses and Gijóneses, as you say in Spanish, like each other like people from Cologne and Düsseldorf, Austrians and Germans, Canadians and Americans. So it’s no
surprise that if you live in Oviedo and work in Gijón, you'll be cautiously asked which side you're on. Mike prefers to answer this question with his Real Oviedo fan scarf or with a reference to their visit to the
home game against Tenerife - 3:1 for “us”, by the way, a great evening - and is pleased to discover that his friends and colleagues from Gijón very much respect his decision for” the other side”. When it comes to
such an important issue, you do have to take a stand, and if leads to disagreements - no big deal, Spaniards love disagreements. |