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Canoeing on the Weser River |
For the children, Mecki’s plan came completely out of the blue. None of the kids had even remotely thought of what to do during the coming summer. |
“Guess what, Katharina?“ said Mecki, “you and me we’ll fly to Halifax next summer, and on our way back, we’ll take Nancy with us.“
“Yeah, Halifax! I’ll play with Erica und Madeline, and I’ll eat lots of maple syrup.“ Katharina is all excited. Felix und Franziska, however, far less. |
“What about us?“ asks Felix. |
“Well,“ explains Mike, “we can have a great time in Rheinbach. There are loads of thrilling things we can do.“ |
Felix und Franziska remain silent. Obviously, they have expected something more exciting. But Franziska has a better idea.
“You know what I’d like to do? I’d like to go on a real trip with Dad and Felix, something for real guys, with camping,
wilderness, adventure, and campfire.“ |
“How about a canoeing weekend on the Lahn if the weather is fine?“, suggests Mike. |
“Oh Dad, that’s not a real guys’ trip. Felix and I, we want something big. How about the Danube? You and us, can’t we make the Danube?“ |
“I’m afraid the Danube is a little bit too long,“ objects Mike, recalling that the Danube is Europe’s second longest river.“ |
“Then please make a suggestion yourself.“ |
And so Mike starts browsing through canoeing guides and maps, making, revising, and all too often rejecting one new plan after the
other, until he eventually finds something: the Weser River. From Hannoversch Münden to Minden the Weser passes through the beautiful mountains of the Weserbergland, supporting the paddler with a solid current and not a
single portage all along those 200-odd kilometres. The children listen attentively, only Felix interrupts Mike for the all important question “So it’s a promise – we’ll camp every night, no tricks, eh?” Then they agree.
“But we still have to figure out what makes our trip become a real guys’ trip,“ says Mike. |
“Easy,” says Franziska, “wilderness camping, cooking on the campfire, and all.” |
“If I had my way,“ responds Mike, “I’d leave the cooking gear at home and camp at regular campsites every night. There, we can
eat burgers at the campsite’s beer garden and play skat.” |
“Play what?“ |
“Skat. That’s a card game, and it’s Grandpa Max’s and my favourite card game. But it’s not an easy one. We’d have
to practise it before the trip.” |
“Is that your idea of a real guys’ trip: paddling, beer garden, and playing skat?“ |
“Absolutely.“ |
“Then please teach us this game.“ |
The next morning, Franziska, Felix, and Mike go for a brief stroll through the lovely rococo town of Bad Karlshafen.
Then they start paddling down the river. Towards noon, they approach the city of Höxter. Their campsite neighbours in Bad Karlshafen were from Höxter and recommended the city centre with the renaissance-style
timber-framed houses and the city’s best ice cream shop right behind the city hall. Felix and Franziska had listened very carefully, and as soon as the first buildings of Höxter come in sight they explain to their astonished
dad that after all this paddling, they’d like to go for a little walk through the town, because with some luck they might see some beautiful timber-framed houses. The three pull the canoe ashore below the Weser bridge, the
kids take their paddles with them – making sure no one can escape with the boat – and then hurry to ask their way to the city hall where – surprise, surprise – isn’t that the famous ice cream shop that got such a strong
recommendation at the last campsite? But of course, one should never blindly follow someone else’s recommendations, so the kids have to check the place out for themselves. They choose strawberry, vanilla, and cookies
& cream for their gourmet test, and ……. they fully endorse the recommendation. |
At the end of the second day in Holzminden, Franziska, Felix, and Mike play their daily game of skat in the local Italian restaurant
at the market place. Felix marvels at Mike’s calzone. “Wow, Dad, your pizza has such a big topping, they had to fold the pizza to make sure nothing falls off.” |
At the Holzminden campsite, Felix meets Nico who, with his mum and their dog, also canoes towards Minden so that they meet again at
the next campsites in Bodenwerder and Hameln. Nico has found an old eel tube on the river banks and shows Felix in Hameln how to fish eel. At the campsite of the local canoeing club he dumps the tube into the river
hoping that an eel will deliberately look for shelter in it at night. And in fact, the next morning he draws ashore a lively wriggling eel in his tube. But unfortunately, Felix, Franziska, and Mike already have to hit
the water again, so they wish Nico good luck and bon appetit with his catch and set off for the next destination, Rinteln. |
“Let’s wait under this bridge until the rain is over,” is his considerate suggestion. |
“But Felix and I are here for paddling not for taking breaks,” replies Franziska. |
“We’ll paddle on as soon as the rain stops. Just think about it.” |
“Felix and I, we think a real lot, and we do so all the time. And if we want to reach Rinteln today, we better keep
on paddling.” |
“OK, OK, but then please put on your raincoats.” |
“You know, Dad, we packed them way at the bottom below all our other stuff. Nobody needs them anyway. See,
this is summer rain. Summer rain is refreshing, it doesn’t make you sick.“ |
“Franziska is right,” confirms Felix, “and we definitely have to make it to Rinteln today. You know why, Dad:
timbered houses and ice cream shops.” |
Two vs. one, a clear and democratic decision, so off they go through the summer rain to Rinteln. And by the way: In
Rinteln, the local ice cream shop is right at the market square in a – what a surprise – beautifully restored timber-framed house. |